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Archive of our litters A-Z 


A-litter  Abby x Gustav

Welcome little worms!


At the08/26/2020our A-chen  saw the light of day, and what can we say? You are magical! But see for yourself :)


puppies:11 - 7 boys and 4 girls 

Colors:Russian Blue, Russian Silver

Types:Velveteen, Dumbo

Our A-chen are100%hereDwarfand100%hereHarley & Dumbo

B-litter  Shaggy x Gustav

Welcome little worms!


At the08/27/2020have our books seen the light of day, and what shall we say? You are magical! But see for yourself :)


puppies:6 - 3 boys and 3 girls 

Colors:Russian Blue


Our B-chen are100%hereDwarfand100%heredumbo

C-litter  Roos x Gulliver

Welcome little worms!


At the03.11.2020our C-chen  saw the light of day, and what can we say? You are magical! But see for yourself :)


puppies:13 - 7 boys and 6 girls 

Colors:Russian Blue, Dove

Types:Velveteen, Dumbo

Our c-chen are100%hereDwarfand100%here Dumbo

D-litter  Henrijette x Gustav

Welcome little worms!


At the07.11.2020our D-chen  saw the light of day, and what can we say? You are magical! But see for yourself :)


puppies:13 - 8 boys and 5 girls 

Colors:Russian Blue

Types:Velveteen, Dumbo

Our d-chen are100%hereDwarf

E-litter Lia x Winston

Welcome little worms!


At the01/22/2021  our E-chen saw the light of day and they are sweet enough to eat. :)


puppies:13 -  4 boys and 9 girls 

Colors: Black, Russian Blue

Shades: Siam, Devil, Marble, Silvermane

Types:Standard/Velveteen, Dumbo

Our E-Chen have an IK of0%

F-litter Ariana VR x Bela VR

Welcome little worms!


At the01/23/2021  our f-chen saw the light of day, and what can we say? You are magical! But see for yourself :)


puppies:14 -  6 boys and 8 girls 

Colors: Russian Blue

Shade: -

Types:Standard/Dumbo, Standard/Dwarf, Standard/Velveteen/Doublevelveteen

Our f-chen have an IK of12.5%

G-litter Dina VR x Cai ​VR

Welcome little worms!


At the04.03.2021  our G-chen saw the light of day! So cute shrimp!


puppies:13 -  8 boys and 5 girls 

Colors: Russian Blue, (Russian) Champagne

Shades:possibly albino

Types:Standard/Dumbo, Standard/Dwarf, Standard/Velveteen/Doublevelveteen

Our G-chen have an IK of0%

H-litter Cataleya VR x Cai VR

Welcome little worms!


Am 03/19/2021  our honeys saw the light of day! 


puppies: 8 -  3 boys and 5 girls 

Colors: Dove, Russian Blue, Champagne


Types:Standard/Dumbo, Standard/Dwarf, Standard/Velveteen/Doublevelveteen

Our chickens have an IK of25%

I-litter Akuma x Devil

Welcome little worms!


At the05/09/2021  our unplanned I saw the light of day! We already adopted Mama Akuma when she was pregnant - so welcome little surprise eggs!


puppies: 10 - 7 boys and 3 girls 

Colors: Black, Agouti, RB Agouti(?)

Shades:Red eyed devil

Types:Dumbo, Rex

Unfortunately, the IK of our I-chen cannot be given due to missing master data.

Welcome little worms!


At the05/11/2021 our J-chen saw the light of day! We already adopted Mama Fee when she was pregnant - so welcome little surprise eggs!


puppies: 10 - 5 boys and 5 girls 

Colors: Black

Shades:Burmese, husky

Types:Standard/Dumbo,  Standard/Harley, 100% het. Harley, 

Unfortunately, the IK of our J-chen cannot be given due to missing master data.

J-litter Fairy x Mink?

K-litter  Artemis x KM Ginzou

Welcome little worms!


At the17.06.2021 our kitchens saw the light of day! Artemis and her mice are up!


puppies: 9 - 5 boys and 4 girls 

Colors: Black Self Silvermane 

Types:Standard/Dumbo, 100% het. Harley, 100% het. Dwarf

The IK of our kitchens is0.00%

L-litterAriana VR x KM Ginzou

Welcome little worms!


At the04.07.21 our L-chen saw the light of day! Welcome you shrimps!


puppies: 11 - 5 boys and 6 girls 

Colors: Black, Buff

Types:Standard/Dumbo, Standard/Velveteen, Dwarf, 100% het. Dwarf

The IK of our L-chen is0.00%

M-litterEmbra VR x KM Ginzou

Welcome little worms!


At the05.07.2021 our girls saw the light of day! Embra is a wonderful mom!


puppies: 3 - 2 boys and 1 girl 

Colors: Black


Types:Standard/Dumbo, 100% het. Dwarf

The IK of our girls is0.00%

N-litterKM Ibuki x KM Ginzou

Welcome little worms!


At the01.08.2021 our little ones saw the light of day! Ibuki and her gnomes are up!


puppies: 2 - 1 boy and 1 girl 

Colors: Black, topaz

Types:Standard/Velveteen, 100% Dwarf

The IK of our N-chen is27.32%

O litter Kayari x KM Ginzou

Welcome little worms!


At the29.08.2021 our O-chen saw the light of day! Kaya and her gnomes are up!


puppies: 5 - 3 boys and 2 girls

Colors: Black eyed Siamese(?), Burmese

Types:Dumbo, Standard/Velveteen, 100% Dwarf

The IK of our O-chen is0.00%

Welcome little worms!


On 09/01/2021 our p-chen saw the light of day! 


puppies: 10 - 4 boys and 6 girls

Colors: Black

shades: Devil, Burmese


The IK of our P-chen is0.00%

P-litter Eivørx vR x RR Tiago

Q litter Gogo vR x KM Ginzou

Welcome little worms!


At the14.09.2021 our Q-chen saw the light of day! 


puppies: 3 - 3 boys and 0 girls

Colors: Black, Russian Blue

Types:Dumbo/Standard, Dwarf

The IK of our Q-chen is0.00%

R-litter Hailey VR x Henry VR

Welcome little worms!


At the27.09.2021 our R-chen saw the light of day! 

Date: 27.09.2021

puppies: 3 -  2 boys and 1 girl

Colors: Dove, Mink/Dove champagne

Types:Dumbo, Standard/Dwarf 

The IK of our R-chen is37.5%

S-litter  Karla vR x Kimba vR

Welcome little worms!


At the09.10.2021 our sweethearts saw the light of day! 

Date: 09.10..2021

puppies:10 - 1 boy and 9 girls

Colors: Black, Mink, Buff

shades: Silvermane

Types:Standard, Harley, Dwarf

The IK of our S-chen is 25.29%

T-litter Embra vR x RR Tiago

Welcome little worms!


At the10.10.2021 our T-chen saw the light of day! 

Date: 10.10..2021

puppies: 15 - 6 boys and 9 girls

Colors: Black

Shades:BE Siam, Burmese, Marble


The IK of our T-chen is 0.00%

U-litter KM Ibuki x KM Ginzou

Welcome little worms!


At the12.10.2021 our U-chen saw the light of day! 

Date: 12.10..2021

puppies: 4 - 0 boys and 4 girls

Colors: Agouti, Black, Buff, Topaz

Types:100% Dwarf, Velveteen/Standard

The IK of our U-chen is 27.32%

Welcome little worms!


At the11.11.2021 our v-chen saw the light of day! 

Date: 27.10.2021

puppies: 8 - 4 boys and 4 girls

Colors: Black, Buff

Types:Standard/Dwarf,  Standard/Dumbo

The IK of our V-chen is 25.29%

V-litter Kendra vR x Kimba vR

W-litter Ariana vR x Luxor vR

Welcome little worms!


At the11.11.2021 our W-chen saw the light of day! 

Date: 11.11.2021

puppies: 10 - 5 boys and 5 girls

Colors: EB, RB, RS, Buff, Triple Dilute (?)

Types: Standard/Dwarf, Velveteen/Standard/Harley/Harvel, Standard/Dumbo

The IK of our weeks is 27.32%

X-litter Karla vR x Kimba vR

Welcome little worms!


At the17.12.2021 our X-chen saw the light of day! 

Date: 17.12.2021

puppies: 2 - 1 boy and 1 girl

Colors: Black, mink


The IK of our X-chen is 01.56%

Y-litter  Leslie vR x KM BEcquerel

Welcome little worms!


On 12/18/2021 our Y-chen saw the light of day! 

Date: 18.12.2021

puppies: 4 - 2 boys and 2 girls

Colors: Black, Buff, English Blue

Types:100% Dumbo, 100% Dwarf, Standard/Velveteen

The IK of our Y-chen is 0.00%

Z-litter  Octavia vR x Otis vR

Welcome little worms!


On 01/10/2022 our Z-chen saw the light of day! 

Date: 10.01.2022

puppies:10 - 5 boys and 5 girls

Colors: Sealpoint Siamese, Burmese

Types:100% Dumbo, Standard/Dwarf. Standard/(Double)Velveteen

The IK of our Z-chen is 25%

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